
… this is eternal life, that they may know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
John 17:3


Pope Benedict XVI in his encyclical letter Deus Caritas Est reminded the Church that to be Christian “is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.” (no. 1)

Any formation and education in the Catholic faith is always directed to more deeply realising the relationship each one of us can have with God. God has revealed much in the Scriptures, and the Church teaches many things but this is not just factual information rather, these truths reveal who God is and therefore who we are as well.

The formation offered here at Mater Christi is focused towards fostering a deeply personal relationship with God and directed to an active involvement in the Catholic Church, localised here in this parish within the broader context of the Archdiocese of Perth and indeed the Church throughout the world. 


Bible Study

Have you ever wanted to know more about the Bible; have you ever had questions about the Sunday Mass readings, or simply were curious about the significance of the Scriptures for the life of faith? Our Bible Study sessions provide an opportunity to dive into the liturgical readings for the coming Sunday to better enable our participation at Mass, and through group discussion and sharing learn how God continues to speak through these sacred texts.

Sacrament Preparation Programme

Are you interested in enrolling your child for religious education classes, becoming a catechist yourself, or helping out as an assistant? Make contact with our Parish Religious Education Coordinator now for details of how you can get involved.

2025 Programme

Classes will commence in early February at the Mater Christi Community Centre. New enrolments will need to include a copy of the child's Baptism Certificate.

Cost for the Year: $30 for the 1st child and $20 for subsequent children. These payments can be made in cash on enrolment day or via direct debit to the parish 2nd collection (Ref. to include 'PREP' and child's name).


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of Christian formation offered to adults who seek to become Catholic. It is also open to Catholics who have been baptised but have had no further formation for the Sacraments and not completed their Christian Initiation (not made their 1st Holy Communion or been Confirmed).

The initiation of new members is a gradual process allowing enquirers time to grow in faith and become full participants of the Catholic community. The process of Christian Initiation is marked with three major liturgical rites: Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens, Rite of Election, and the actual celebration at the Easter Vigil of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. These rites act as key gateways along the way. Each major rite is preceded and followed by a period of maturing faith.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Young People (RCIYP) is a similar period of formation tailored to children between the ages of 12-17 years old.

Children's Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy (Materkidz) is a programme especially designed for children aged around 4-8 years of age (approx. Kindy-Year 2). They learn about the day’s Gospel using age appropriate language and activities. Children use the Chapel of the Innocents for their class prior to returning to their families in time for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Materkidz is available every 10am Mass during school terms.

In accord with current Safeguarding protocols, parents are asked to sign-in their children before the Mass so that they can participate in the MaterKidz Children’s Liturgy.

Parish Play Group (0-5years)

This vibrant group of children with their parents attend Playgroup in our Early Learning Centre in the Mater Christi Community Centre. We currently have 2 sessions of our Parish Playgroup running each week: Monday & Friday 9-11am, during the school terms.

Mater Christi Catholic Primary School

The campus is uniquely located at the end of a cul-de-sac, behind the church, in a bushland setting overlooking Yangebup Lake. As a Christ-centered Catholic School, we aim to establish an environment of love and care, promoting a sense of self-worth in each child. We provide a teaching and learning environment where children and their teachers thrive and get the best out of one another.

Hammond Park Catholic Primary School

HPCPS offers an education programme within the faith tradition of the Catholic Church. Jesus is central to everything we do and He guides every aspect of our school. An innovative teaching and learning programme is offered with digital technology being utilized from Kindergarten upwards.

Emmanuel Catholic College

Emmanuel Catholic College is committed to the provision of a contemporary and engaging holistic education to the highest standards. In collaboration with parents, guardians, staff and students we share a genuine focus on building positive relationships and rapport with all members of the College community.