What was the first Christmas like?
Do you ever wonder what the scene looked like, how Mary and Joseph felt or what did those who came to visit the newborn child really experience? The Gospels try to give us an impression of what they see as significant moments at the birth of the child Jesus.
St Francis of Assisi after his visit to the Holy Land and his meditations on the life of Christ, was inspired to create the first ever Nativity scene. He created a living crib, including an ‘ox and ass.’ He uses these “dumb” animals to recognise that Jesus is Lord. He takes this image from Isaiah 1:3 where the people of Israel do not recognise God, but the animals do.
The image of the crib transcends location and time. The presence of the infant Jesus sends a message to all Christians. God sent His only Son as a fragile baby.
The moment of Christ’s birth changes the course of human history forever, nothing is ever the same. The Lord is with us now and forever (Emmanuel).
Take time to contemplate the crib – the first experiences of Jesus in the world. The humility of His birth continued through His whole life and death even though He knew, and we know He is the Son of God.